Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I started yet another fashion blog because this one (I do admit)is a bit "scattered" or perhaps my inconsistant side's just kicking in whereby I start something a million times over, chopping and changing my mind like it's going out of fashion (not that my mind would ever "go out" of fashion-i'm too addicted).So I reconsidered feeding my inconsistency and decided to build on this blog, because in the end it would be rewarding to see where I began, don't you think?

On my mind today is my future, and although that's vaguely on my mind every day as a matter of fact, today I am particularly foccused on it and not trying to avoid thinking about this subject just because my career dreams are dauntingly huge.

I want to be a singer, a writer, a graphic, interior and fashion designer, possibly a tv presenter, an editorial model, a magazine editor, fashion editor or director...most of all I want to be on my feet; I've discovered that after 4 months of sitting behind a desk from eight to five is not my thing at all. I know we all have to start at the bottom of the food chain (not that the silver spoon fed kiddos do)but I don't want to be confined to a desk, dressing conservatively (though that is a recognisable trend: the conservative pussybow blouse office lady)because I feel like I am lying to myself, BUT for the sake of gaining experience and being able to feed my fashion addiction, this job will do for now, I repeat, now.

It's a mix match

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

fashion-my weakness

So it turns out that fashion is my weakness (second to love, ofcourse). On the weekend I bought a pair of gorgeous lace up shoe booties with my last pennies. It's something nobody would understand. According to my boyfriend, that could've been used on something way better, so I pose the question: what could possibly be better than anything at the moment of spotting the perfect pair of shoes for winter (in my case 80% of items i spot and buy are the "perfect" whatever), well nothings better-ask any fashionista the world over.

Anything thats sequins, camouflage, tweed, check or polkadots need to be feature items, and should not consist of your entire cupboard because then you're heading for disaster. It is true that too much of something's bad (not too many clothes, but you get the idea). Basics like a white vest, dark skinnies, a crisp white shirt, a trench coat, a cardigan, a sharp point shoe, a round toe shoe, a flat boot, a stilleto...items you can dress up and down and use to complete an outfit.

I'm loving the military look all over again, maxi tee's and floral (still), nude shades,heeled hiking and riding boots, black stockings (again), forest green
and am currently on the look out for the "perfect" pair of flared jeans.