Monday, August 15, 2011

Living poor

Lately I've been living poorly. When I say "living poorly" it simply means that I havn't been investing much time in myself to really see where I'm going wrong or doing right, if at all I am. I think it's about that time that I spend the necessary time to make right within and without. I feel like it's time for greater things to happen, and as each day draws to a close, I somewhat get anxious hoping that the next day brings with it the official start to my career, be it in design, fashion, modelling or music. As it is said, only time will tell.

On a ligher note, I was so excited to find a bow-tie from back in my dad's day for my brother to wear(see pics below). I get so excited because, really, there's nothing like the time than the beginning of fashion. When I was younger I thought my mom had no idea of what she was doing dressing me but as I look back, she was the silent influence of my love for fashion-it all began with her. I'll never forget her favourite outfit for me: crop tops and tights in different colours with platform Jellybabies or thongs. And now I'm back inlove (okay, minus the Jellybabies). Fashion sure repeats itself, revived just a lil better each time. Ofcourse I am not a slave to every trend but I am devoted to the fashion world either way.


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